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Throughout the years, stories have fascinated, intrigued, and brought us to new and fantastic places. 


   It is in our nature to imagine what it would be like for us to be the brave hero who faces the challenges before us. Role-playing games allow us to do just that and give not only the joy of the story but also the thrill of being in the driver's seat, with our actions determining the fate of the world. Sadly, finding a game that suits your particular wants and needs is sometimes difficult, real life can often get in the way. Finding players, making schedules, and having someone run the game are tasks that can stop the game before it even starts.


        That is where I come in. I am an experienced Game Master and have a passion for world-building and helping my players be the heroes - or villains - that they want to be. With over 25 years of experience running a variety of systems, I can design your world, run your game, and tell your story with whatever level of detail, amount of action, and depth of intrigue you want.

Your game, your way. 


Adventure Design

From First Level Encounters to world-spaning Campaigns, we can help you make your game the best, and save you some time as well. 

Games and Events

If you have a group of players and no one to run a game, we can provide everything you would need to do so- from maps and books to the GM! 

The Shop

Want more games for the least cost? The Shop allows you to trade  unwanted items for game time, clearing space at home enabling adventure!

Weaving an experience with the players' fun in mind is this mans goal.  From classic 'break down the door' campaigns to epic worlds rich with history and intrigue, Owen's ability to tailor the gameplay to his players and role with the whims of the day is his true strength. I can't imagine playing with a more adept DM.

Matt P.

Sky Captain Edward Rector


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